Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ok, so I know I'm a total slacker! I thought by joining the blog world I would be able to keep people posted on my wedding plans and whats new in my life, but apparently I'm not a very good blogger! Well the only thing that has been going on with Karl and I is work, work, and more work! Oh, and planning our wedding! So far most of the wedding is planned! All that is left to really do is get a DJ (any suggestions) and a bartender (any suggestions). We are getting excited for our big day. To tell you the truth I'm kind of sick of planning the wedding and seeing my bank account decrease! Seriously, when did weddings start costing so much! Karl and I will be married March 14th 2009 and then we plan on moving to Boise Idaho soon after. Karl and I are more excited to move to Idaho then anything else. I'm a little sad too! Don't get me wrong I really want to try a new place to live and explore, however I'm really going to miss my family! I have to say I have the best family in the world. I have a amazing mom, who is my best friend. I know I am going to miss her terribly! My plan is to get her and my step dad Ralph to move to Idaho too. I've been working on my brother Jared and sister in law Mary already! However, Karl and I will not be with out family in Idaho, his family lives there. I have already warned his mom Debbie and his sister Lynnette that they may get sick of me when I start showing up at their houses all the time to hang out! Karl and I are really excited to get to spend more time with the his family and look forward to movie and game nights over at his parents house. I'm going to have to work on my card game skills to hang with the Pedersens thought :)

1 comment:

Mary-Sunshine said...

I am glad you finally posted, but not happy to read about the move....I am a little jealous that Karl's family gets to have you, but I guess that is only fair!